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Version 4.0.6

By October 5, 2016October 26th, 2020No Comments



  • Added support for MYSQL 5.7.x (please note that the MySQL server needs to have the “sql_mode” configuration set to “NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION” in the my.cnf config file in order for Ubersmith to function correctly)
  • Added Customer Vault (tokenization) support for Network Merchants payment gateway

Client Manager

  • Added support for upcoming MasterCard series 2 BIN numbers

Sales Manager

  • Changed the PDF quote viewer to use HTML5 instead of Flash


  • Added “Contact ID” and “Contact Status” fields to Export to CSV of Facility Contact report



  • Corrected window size for “add upgrade” and “Add New Upgrade Group” popups in Service Plan Upgrades settings page
  • Removed usage of deprecated PHP configurations “mbstring.http_input” and “mbstring.http_output”, which was generating PHP log warnings
  • Custom Admin Interface Links now appear again on the Client Profile page
  • Closed an XSS vulnerability in the Quick Search results where fields for contact results where not properly sanitized
  • Fixed an issue with quick search results not returning expected matches in some situations
  • Added proper breadcrumb names for a few “root” pages
  • Fixed notification association search not returning any matches
  • Client portal input is now automatically sanitized for extra security

Client Manager

  • Creating account credits towards specific invoice items is now possible when invoice contains more than 10 items
  • Services now correctly inherit the “Bill in advance” configuration from their parent service plan when created by an order
  • Fixed an “undefined index mail.enforce_auto_submitted” notice log message when running the invoicing cron
  • Fixed the window title for the “Add New Lead” popup, as well as correctly identifying clients vs leads in search results
  • Fixed the “Notify this address when a client updates their contact information” configuration in Global Settings so that it works as intended
  • Changed auto-calculated fields in the “Add Service” popup so they are not editable and improved visual layout
  • Setting the default renewal date of a service to “do not auto-prorate” will no longer result in unwanted proration
  • Fixed an unwanted “You do not have access to this page” error when viewing Client Profile with a user without permissions to view Reports
  • Fixed a bug which was causing Paypal subscriptions to not be correctly created
  • Fixed auto-charged pre-billed services so they are properly recorded in the invoice record

Support Manager

  • Quickly navigating around the Support Manager using Firefox should no longer cause occasional empty error messages
  • Changed Ticket List page search field placeholder to “Search” for improved clarity, and made the field a bit wider for improved usability
  • Corrected an issue which could cause the navigation header menu to be duplicated when navigating Support Manager
  • Fixed obfuscated error message when dealing with incorrect date/time or timezone configuration
  • Improved sanity checks when dealing with invalid and/or unexpected timestamps (i.e.: timestamps located in the future) to avoid generating SQL errors

Device Manager

  • Fixed an issue in the Bandwidth Monitoring aggregate graphs causing “Cannot parse vname” errors
  • Reboot Control messages can now be properly dismissed
  • Corrected an issue when joining IP addresses/subnets, and added a confirmation dialog
  • Fixed the “no device specified” error message when clicking the “Event log” menu link on the Device Profile page
  • Fixed an issue with graphs y-axis range calculation which could cause it to be extremely large, making the data impossible to read properly

Order Manager

  • Fixed “Send Templated Email” order module so it correctly replaces the “##quote_id##” placeholder at all times
  •  Fixed “Select Add On Services” step in the Order Form Wizard so services can be added to the order form


  • Graphs in reports now always display 2-digit for money amounts
  • Fixed the search button in Event Log report which was unresponsive


  • client.list API method now properly includes brand-specific custom fields when using multiple brands