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Version 4.1.4

By October 26, 2017October 26th, 2020No Comments


Client Manager

  • Displaying Tax Authority numbers on invoices is now optional
  • Tax management events such as adding and editing now appear in the Event Log
  • Improved relationship between country/territory and state/province fields
  • Added the ability to send a notification email when a client adds a tax exemption 
  • Updated “Prorate to the following month if next renewal is within” field so it will be hidden instead of disabled if no “Default Renewal Date” is set in the add/edit client popup
  • Added all supported currencies for Stripe and Stripe Token credit card gateways
  • Added a link to the plugins list in the usage plans list of the service plan details page when no datasource is available
  • Added support for Paypal as a Billing Agreement option, using Reference Transactions
  • Moved Tax Authority numbers on invoices from client’s contact details to each tax line item
  • Updated Litle credit card gateway in preparation of upcoming Litle/Vantiv API domain name change

Support Manager

  • Added user email signature for ticket timer emails

Device Manager

  • Added support for 100GbE ports for Brocade MLXe-16
  • Added support for Trendpoint Enersure Enkapsis devices for Power Circuit and Power Panel device modules


  • Added order step details to order.get and order.list API methods, under the step_status index
  • Added new API endpoint client.ip_assignment_list to list all IP assignments belonging to a client as well as to a client’s devices and services



  • Removal of the Zend Lucene search backend 
  • “From Address” under Settings -> Credit Card Expiration Notices will now be correctly saved when changed
  • Replaced remaining instances of “Setup & Admin” with “Settings”
  • Fixed issue where a user couldn’t be edited without setting a new username/password
  • Fixed a bug in the Plugin configuration system which would cause only the first plugin module configuration to be taken into consideration

Client Manager

  • Updated invoice to not show empty parentheses when service plan has no plan code set
  • Fixed an issue which would lead to deactivated Tax Rates still assigned to service plans being incorrectly assigned to new services
  • Fixed how timeline service periods are calculated so days after the 28th don’t cause the timeline to skip ahead to the start of the next month
  • Made edit upgrade option popup slightly larger
  • Fixed a bug which caused ended services to be invoiced when using pre-billing
  • System now correctly allows editing of a service price period that is not billed
  • Removed billing discrepancies for generated invoices where system would still see a $0.01 balance owed despite clients paying invoices in full
  • Nightly cron jobs tasks for services now show the service identifier and the service module name on errors

Support Manager

  • Support Manager advanced search now renders properly when user has permissions over at least one Ticket Queue or Department
  • Fixed permissions for showing and editing ticket time spent
  • Added indentation to emphasize difference between parent and child services to the autocomplete drop downs when linking a ticket to a service
  • Fixed issue where the Time field calendar could not be completely seen when trying to add a ticket timer
  • Ticket number is now present again in browser tab title when viewing a ticket
  • Fixed an issue where ‘Allow Emergency Ticket Submission’ being set to no on default department would override other department’s setting

Device Manager

  • Fixed an issue with the SNMP Monitor device module incorrectly displaying ‘module not configured’ error
  • Improved updating of device monitors so either all devices’ monitors or just selected devices’ monitors can be disabled / enabled
  • Improved performance of network_usage.php cron job
  • Updated IPMI Information device module for SuperMicro 3.13 firmware support

Sales Manager

  • “Jump to Lead ID” now redirects to the Client Manager client profile when the ID represents an active client
  • Resolved an issue where duplicating quotes can create an order with services attached to the wrong quote


  • Fixed broken Sent Invoices report when not specifying an end date by having it default to the current date when not specified
  • Fixed an issue in the IP Address Usage report incorrectly showing assigned IP addresses as free
  • Fixed an issue where Normalized Recurring Revenue breakdown reports weren’t always matching the calendar

Client Portal

  • Fixed a bug preventing Bandwidth Billing service module from being properly loaded


  • Fixed API documentation for uber.plan_option_update so it will now display the correct currencies available under Settings -> Currency & Measurements
  • Improved error clarity when trying to update a deactivated client through client.update
  • Fixed device.dns_record_delete failing with ‘dns_zone not found’ error
  • Fixed incorrect parameter in documentation for client.invoice_disregard API method
  • Added new API endpoint client.ip_assignment_add to add IP assignments to a client