- Added ability to globally set the instance timezone through a config.ini.php setting (set timezone under the instance section to the appropriate value, such as “America/New_York”). Not providing this configuration will revert to the prior behavior, which is using the PHP timezone configuration
- Added support for uploading PDF files with a version higher than 1.4
Client Manager
- Added tokenization support to Paysafe payment gateway integration
- Added an option to let the system try and charge expired credit cards
- Added ability to specify a custom endpoint (valid HTTPS) URL for the Litle and Co. – Vault gateway
Client Manager
- Fixed a bug which would cause invoice details for the OnApp Billing and Bandwidth Billing service modules to be duplicated
- Fixed broken refunds for PayPal billing agreements
- Fixed issue with Braintree transactions failing when using a locale that uses a comma decimal separator
- Fixed an issue with SureTax integration not properly accounting for multiple services within different states
- Fixed an issue with R1Soft service module not properly updating service price on renewal
- Improved error handling when attempting to create a User Relationship which already exists
- Fixed a typo in the User Relationship removal confirmation popup
- Fixed unnecessary warnings in log file when creating an invoice, payment, or refund
- Fixed undefined index notice in log file when creating a new client and clicking “Save & New”
- Fixed a bug which could cause an uncaught error while trying to add a new User after having deleted a brand
- Fixed pagination of Client Relationship Types list when it has more than 10 elements
- Fixed a bug which would prevent refunds from completing when using Alipay
- Fixed refunds not being processed correctly when using ACH Direct
- Updated deprecated WorldPay payment gateway endpoints
Support Manager
- Time Tracking for tickets is now correctly required when configured as such
Device Manager
- Clarified distinction between bits and bytes for transfer rates and total transfer rates in Bandwidth Billing graphs
- Fixed a bug which would set the State to AL (Alabama) for a Facility Address when left blank
- Reboot Control device module will now correctly display graphs for each configured unit
- Fixed issue where date picker wouldn’t work properly under device graph popup
Order Manager
- Fixed a bug which caused a client’s name to not properly update on the order
Sales Manager
- Fixed validation of credit card expiration dates when signing a quote
Client Portal
- Custom Fields with their access configured to “none” will no longer show up in the Client Portal
- Fixed a bug which could allow deactivated clients to successfully login to the Client Portal
- Fixed inconsistent logo and style in popup error pages
- Fixed pagination of Tax Exemptions list
- Corrected API documentation for uber.client_welcome_stats method
- Removed encrypted password references from the API documentation for responses of client.contact_get, client.contact_list, client.find_similar, client.get, client.list, uber.admin_get, uber.admin_list and uber.login_list
- Fixed uber.forgot_pass so it will now correctly recognize credentials for non-primary contacts
- Fixed an issue with removed discounts being automatically added back upon removing auto charge through client.service_update
- Submitting an order using a PayPal billing agreement through order.submit will no longer fail